"what have i done so far"

everyone loves a list. or if not everyone, then me. i love a list. today i read a list that i want to replicate.

What have i done so far.

i am not going to write this list right now (it's after 11pm, and i have to be on a train in 5 hours. now is not the time to write a good list). i will come back to this over the next few days, in and out, and make a list of things i have done. the point of this list is to remind myself on the days i am not so confident that i have done some amazing things since leaving high school.


ok, so it's been a good number of days since i started htis. right now i am exhausted. i've barley been home since 5am tuesday (now 6pm friday) i can't think... i might get back to this one day.
Also, i am apparently merciless, in the best possible way!
you said i don't push for anything, and i'm really glad you said that/hoping you really meant it. and i'm really trying very hard not to push. coz right now i want.