in-laws should be out-lawed.

or maybe just the male ones... they leave on friday morning. it's a shame mummy has to go too, it'd be nice to have just her here for a holiday... i'd love to write more but it's well after midnight on a school night so i am off to bed. i'll write more when they are gone and i have my house back!


if you don't care it doesn't really hurt.

or what you don't know can't harm you.
today was my last day at work. i did next to nothig all day, other than remove any trace of my existence from my computer, and tidy up a few very small loose ends. i got a few emails from friends asking where i was being taken out to lunch. every one hurt a little more. "the company" did nothing to say good bye. i got a card (not signed by the CEO or ED) and some flowers, and a small morning tea spread. the flowers and morning tea were organised by two of the ladies i share office space with, and i believe paid for from there own wallets too. two women who get paid less than i did, which was below average anyway. there was choclate cake, chips, bickies dip and cheese. home made dip. it was good - apparently it's all about adding the french onion soup mix slowly till you get the perfect balance. it wasn't much, but it told me where the love is. I also got a lovely apron from Miss P which i will wear often and with pride (thank you Miss P - and yes that is what i have regularly called her, it's not just an attmept at anonimity). i gave a few small presents, coz that's what i do, and made one lady cry. well, i didn't call her names and throw sticks, but she did cry. ooooo and i met Will. he's a cutey. he's really tall, prolly close to 3 feet already... he's not even 18 months.

i've been telling myself i dont' care, and in some ways i don't. i know who liked me and who didn't, and i know who will miss me and who i will miss. in so many ways i feel like it was a war of attrition against me, and they won. but they didn't. i had chosen to leave a long time ago, and the timing was just coincidental. maybe. i chose to leave, then saw the signs of war, not the other way round. i've been trying not to let myself "know", that way there would be no harm done. but today hurt.

that is all.

banana man...

do you remember banana man. (or boy) ate a banana became a superhero.
my cat has banana flavoured prozac on his dinner - he's not a super hero. we're trying something new. the cat has been on prozac for about 3 yrs (he's almost 4) and has never really enjoyed it but still eaten his dinner coz it's all he gets. last month i took the script to a new pharmacy. the cat HATED the drugs. every night we had to stand and keep him company whilst convincing him that if he ate just a little bit more we would give him some unadulterated crunchies. he has lost weight. he's a large cat - but he's skinny as a rake currently.
so i called the pharmacist and had an indepth discussion about the nature of mixing drugs for cats and the relative strength yada yada yada. eventually they said they could mix it as a syrup rather than a formula - apparently just a different ingredient, but it is sweeter. it smells like benadryl. they also asked if we wanted a flavour in it. i asked for banana. the cat had some antibiotics recently that were banana flavoured and he loved them. so far - on day two of the meds he seems to like the banana prozac better than he liked the chicken prozac - who'd a thunk it, a cat that like banana....

that is all

the book is better.

inkheart. movie vs book. book wins.

that is all


i'm a fairy....

ok - that line is from a show i'm in, it's really cute, and said by a young boy... the piece was written many many many many many yrs ago. b4 it was "politically incorrect" to call someone a fairy. or a queen. b4 it was illegal to officially change ur name to a title - as i was informed by my friend King.

As it is my second last day at work i am sitting at the marketing computer - editing photo's for the website - who's gonna do that when i'm gone hey??? - and having a discussion with my most wonderful workmate about fairies and elves in fiction. i've had this thought bashing around in my head for a few days now. i'm reading Inkspell - part two of the Inkheart trilogy - and the characters are all in the book (which makes sense if you've read it - if you haven't, my grammar is correct) and there are fairy's and elves, and glass men and night-mares and river pixies and all sorts of things like that - things that come from medieval times...

hang on - who says they come from medieval times? fiction does... why is it always the case that if there are fairies in the book, the countryside/architecture/culture/technological advancement/family structure/likelihood that the good guys will win out whilst being poor and marginalised, is very medieval, or what history tells of us those times.

why haven't i ever read a story book that was set in the modern day, and had a fairy that helps with fire, or a glass man that stops you from smudging your ink??? is it because it's cruel to call people a fairy, or is it because we are all so "enlightened" now that we know fairy's don't really exist? i don't care if they exist or not - i am reading fiction... or the movie last year - the golden compass. that was largley fantasy and they lived in a castle, had a poorer class of street urchins running around - what i associate with "not quite modern history", there was technology of a type in there, but the architecture and cultural structure were still quite medieval.

do i have an answer to my rambling almost question...
do you?

that is all.


Pina Colada Cupcakes

that can't be how you spell it, but i can't think how else it might go. I made these yesterday, and they remind me if an upside down cake my nan used to make

125g butter
1 cup castor sugar
1 egg
1/4 cup oil
3 cups SR flour
270ml tin coconut milk
3/4 cup milk (you can use all coconut milk for a stronger flavour)
1t vanilla
1/2 cup desecrated coconut
1 cup tined pinapple, well drained.

beat the butter and sugar. add the egg and oil. alternate the flour and milks, mixing. add designated coconut and pinapple.
makes about 48 small or 24 large, or 24 small and 12 large... stragne ut true that. 180C oven, 15mins then rotate, another 10-15, till toothpick comes out clean. cool for 5 then on to a wire rack


Icicng sugar
pinapple jiuce (from tin)

start with as much icing sugar as you want. i used about a cup and a bit, and iced all my 36 cakes with plenty to spare. add a bit of butter, a bit of pinapple jiuce, beat till light and fluffy. remember - it's easier to add more liquid than try to take it out...add the desicated coconut at the end, then sread on to completely cooled cakes

No pics, coz the camera lans is not here, and i don't feel like using my 80 zoom to photograph cupcakes, which don't look exciting, but taste like childhood memories.

that is all.


epic fail...

my first attempt at suger free cupcakes... epic fail. brain - please sign in B4 i need you next time... standard choc cupcake - 1/2 cup cocoa and about 3 cups suger (or near enough) sugar free - needs less cocoa, that stuff is bitter as, it's like the girl who came second for prom queen.

even the cat didn't like these ones.. so i will try again next week or so...

that is all


cranberry white chocloate cupcakes

didn't turn out the way i wanted, cozi couldn't get the ingredients i was after. there were no fresh or frozen cranberries at my local, and i forgot to looked for tinned ones, but i think i will be able to get some tinned as cranberry sauce, so that will be my next attempt. This lot just had cranberry juice instead of milk in a standard (womens weekly) patty cake recipe... the white chocolate was milky bar frozen and snapped up, then mixed in. some big chunks, some crumbs. they tast fine,. but not really like cranberry. i made icing using icing sugar, a packet of white drinking chocolate (with milk poweder in it) and cranberry juice. it tastes good. over all the cupcakes are good, the choclate gives chocolatey goodness in chunks, but they are not what i was after. next time i will buy a tin of cranberry sauce and see how that goes

i am going to mow the lawn soon, then go to lunch in cabra, then do some ironng. i have every intention of making sugar free chocolate cupcakes this evening, but they may get bumped to tomorrow.

that is all.


hypothetically terrified (HT)

on the way to rehearsal tonight (where i was forced to repeat the phrase, i can't i have rehearsal on about 3 occaisions) i had a hypotheticaly terrified attack. i'm new to this choir, the music is new to me, what if i suck, what if i'm not good enouigh OMFG WTF. now being past tense of that rehearsal it was great and i have no need to worry, mostly...

i had a phone call earlier today regarding my car, it has to be parked in certain locations or it gets taken away. i have a new job (in case you've been living under a rock and missed it) and with that comes a new parking opportunity. seems the managment have to discuss this... what if i lose the car, what will i do, how will i get to work, how will i get to three choirs, OMFG WTF. this one i will continue to worry about until i get resolution

Had AWC for dinner the other night (AWC - abandoned wives club), what if the food is not as good as i want, what if there is uncomfortable silence, what if i run out of grog (ok, that is never going to happen with 6 people at one dinner party, but you never know) OMFG WTF. past tense of the dinner - everyone had seconds, and we didn't stop laughing all night, and i still have a house full of grog...

hypothetical terror - the thoughts of what will i do if this happens - sometimes cripples me. i have been in the same job for 5 yrs, and not enjoying it for at least the last 12 months. and i think there are two main factors that kept me there... one is laziness, i didn't have a resume on hand, and was too lazy - and again HT - to do it, and the hypothetical terror of leaving. will i find a job, will i like it, what if i can't do it.. better the devil you know. i may not like it but i know i can do it... Well now i am stepping out of that comfort zone - i got past my HT of creating a resume, and only came out successful coz i had a friend on the inside poking Human Remains in my favour. now i have the job and i am again HT. what if i suck at it, what if i hate it, what if i lose the car, what if what if what if... OMFG WTF
i am seriously bad for myself...

That is all.


ur my favourite martian girl...

of all the crappy songs i have to have stuck in my head, it's an elvis rip-off about a martian... crap. i've been at a rehearsal camp all weekend. there is a facebook group called " i can't, i have a rhearsal". that is me all over. i am thinking about joining a fourth performance group later in the year....
I am sooooo tired, so i am off to bed

that is all

what a boring post...


what the???

i had the wierdest dream the other night. i don't remember a lot of it, just that my vet had the hots for me, and i was fairly oblivious to her existence. one day i went to the vet (no idea why - i had no animal with me) and whilst i was waiting and leaning against the wall she came over, put her hand next to my head on the wall and gave me a quick peck on the lips. i then told her i was flattered but had to say no as i am in a relationship. WEIRD...

and because it's dream land i am talking about here , this "vet" is not my vet, nore is she any woman from any other part of my life masquerading as my vet. she was just a random unknown woman. so at least i know it's not my subconcious giving me access to anyone in my life. but at the same time, my subcincious still said no.

that is all.

so i have a new job

finally got the word from the Uni - i have a new job. start in about three weeks, justy admin work, but closer to home, and a much happier environment. and i have friends who work there, and i am really looking forward to joining the club mac crew.

that is all.