as i changed lanes

completely on autopilot, i had a random remembering of why. i have driven that road and that route for years. when you come around that corner, there is almost guaranteed to be a queue of cars waiting to turn right, and if you aren't in the left lane, you will get caught behind them... but for the first time in a long time, it made me think of the reason i used to travel this route, which is different to the reason i travel it now. i used to know someone who lived up there. now he doesn't live there, and i wish i had never known him. but you can't choose your family.
anyway, once upon a time that trip took my mum 12 mins to do. when i type the addresses in question into google maps, they say it is a 39min trip... times have changed. Mum would never attempt to do that trip at that speed anymore, though she would still make the trip. I would still make it at that speed, but will never go there ever again.
some things that you never think will change, do. and other things just don't. i don't have a point other than that really. was just a random remembering...

that is all.

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