Sunday 22. It’s all relative.

When I first arrived in London, staying out at West Kensington was great. It’s an easy walk to the tube (but further than the train station at home) and a quick trip into town (about the same as from home to central). Everything was so easy!!! I guess the fact that I have never had to wait more than 3 mins for a train makes it all seem far easier.
In Cambridge everything was even closer. Stumble out the front door of the college and you’re at either school, coffee or a pub, or the market, or the mall. All within 5 mins. Stumble out the back door and you are at another pub, or the river or the back way to school. Again, 5 mins. It makes London seem like everything is forever away, and my feet are letting me know that I spent the day walking! Today I went to the bouncy castle Stone Henge – it was fun! The sun was shining (2 days in a row!!!!) and I went out fairly early, so when I arrived at stone henge there were very few people there – maybe 50 – and heaps of little tiny people. It seems jumping castles are great for babies and toddlers. It was really lovely to sit out in the sun for a while. After that I headed back towards the city and just went randomly wandering all around Covent Garden. Topped it all off with a lovely dinner at Jamie’s Italian. I’m starting to look forward to coming home, but there is still so much to do! Tomorrow is Oxford and Abingdon.

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