family... huh.

Sitting in the back of the car, looking out the window. Mum and "dad" in the front, book on my lap. I could be 11 again, but the fact that i may be asked to drive belies the 31 i actually am. The farm lands we're driving through are green for a change, but the pine forest and bush land hasn't changed. the road has changed, but not the place it leads to. My grandparents house, our twice yearly holiday destination as far back as i can remember. My grandpa is turning 90. He was the age my mother is now when i first met him. He too, has hardly changed, if you ignore the hearing aids and the fact that he only bush walks now, having been forced to give up the tennis just last year. We're on our way to a big family shindig, something i would have groaned about recently, but am now learning to appreciate, as these are the people who don't leave, the ones i can always drop in on, unannounced, even on christmas day, and be welcomed and fed. Being fed is important ;). I'm almost old enough now to fit in with all the adult conversations, which is good as i am the oldest of the cousins by a good 12 years. And when i don't fit the convo, there is always aunty colleen. Love her. Married into this crazy family late, being the second wife of my oldest uncle. But she fits right in and quickly became my favourite on this side. No fuss, no nonsense. Couldn't give 2 hoots who i sleep with (though if any of my family do care, they hide it well). There will be family i don't know, haven't met yet. Some of my mums cousins. Not sure if the kiwi set are coming. I guess it's possibly a bit much to expect great aunt marjorie to be here, as i think an international flight at around the 90 yrs old mark would be a bit tough. But who knows. Tonight is take out dinner at the house, just family. I'll count how many and post later, but i'm guessing well over 20. Then tomorrow is dinner out - 90 years of friendships, work colleagues, societal peers - again, i'm thinking it'll be a big one!

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