things to meet, people to do.

Dr Suess said it. Oh, the places you'll go! go read it, it's amazing how much deeper it is without the pictures, and with an adult mind in your head. it should be given to all high school students to read as a serious text. but i digress...

i have been saying "things to meet, people to do" for ages. in my head i always connect it with the above mentioned Dr Suess, and also, going places to meet people. recently i have found an entire community of friends online, and i have had to go nowhere to meet them. admittedly i have gone places and met a few, but they are not any more special to me than those i have not met. but there are some who stand out in my day, they know who they are. but just coz sometimes it helps... Jen, and Jen (one slightly more famous than the other) Chrystal (don't forget the H) Corx, Dax, Evil, hope and hope (again, one better known than the other) Abigail, Nat, RENEE!!!, bec and moni and a cindy or two (equally infamous in this case). if ur name isn't here, it doesn't mean i don't care, or i don't think ur funny, but these peeps, these friends stand out above the rest. these friends bring a smile to my day, a shoulder to my tears, and ear to my troubles and a laugh to my (sometimes lame) jokes. My life is richer because of you.

that is all.

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